Current Work

Emery Down Wood (the Wood) is a one and half acre community asset and natural space used by village residents and others for recreation, relaxation and to experience nature close to home. The Wood was purchased in 2015 on the initiative of the late Edward Golton and is managed by the Trustees of the Friends of Emery Down (FOED) (Registered Charity 1162730). Current trustees are Stephen Noble, Roger Hovell, Sarah Strang, Anne Dewing, Ali Elliot, Alice Smith and David Goosey. 

The trustees have undertaken a programme of work over the last 9 years to clear a lot of the Holly, remove some invasive species, make safe precarious trees and organise the planting of a boundary hedge by schoolchildren from Basildon Primary school. This work has been carried out by volunteers from the village and working parties from West Berkshire Countryside society volunteers as well as professional tree surgeons. 

Now that the wood is a fairly stable environment with all the initial work having been completed, to facilitate the continued development of the Wood, the trustees have commissioned a biodiversity survey in 2024, financially supported by the PC. The objective of the survey is to identify the types of trees and the fauna and flora which are to be found in the Wood. The findings will not only assist with the future management by making recommendations to enhance the wildlife value of the Wood by increasing its biodiversity but it will support the placing of identification noticeboards for the benefit and interest of those using the Wood. The boards have also been financially supported by Basildon Parish Council 

We plan to have various displays and engagement events at village events on a regular basis including village shows. In the meantime, please visit the Wood to enjoy the natural environment, making sure to respect the wood. 

Take nothing but photographs and leave nothing but footprints.