Local Information
The Parish encloses two villages situated on either side of the majestic Basildon Park Estate. Lower Basildon, which sits in the valley alongside the river Thames, and Upper Basildon, situated 1.5 miles to the South West on the other side of the Park.
In Lower Basildon you will find St. Bartholomew's Church, built over 700 years ago, which is cared for by The Churches Conservation Trust. You will also find the old school, which was built in 1858 complete with bell, opposite Lower Basildon Garage.
In Upper Basildon, there is a Primary School, the Village Hall and St Stephens Church built in 1964 in the shape of a fish.
Rights of Way
Footpaths, Bridleways & Byways
There are numerous footpaths and bridleways throughout the Parish. A leaflet describing them is available to
download here or there are a couple of additional maps showing local routes below:
Updates to the above can be viewed on the online map.
Please note: Basildon Park no longer permits free access to its grounds for residents of Basildon Parish. You must either be a member of the National Trust or pay at the entrance if you want to walk within the park.
Reporting a problem with a Right of Way
If you know of a problem with a right of way in the Parish, please report it to West Berkshire Council which has the duty to maintain rights of way and keep them open. The easiest way to do this is to email
customerservices@westberks.gov.uk or call 01635 551111.
Alternatively, you can report the problem to West Berkshire Council using their report a problem page: https://www.westberks.gov.uk/reportaproblem.
For more information about Public Rights of Way in West Berkshire, visit: https://info.westberks.gov.uk/article/27493/Public-Rights-of-Way